On the 20th of September 2022 the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure adopted a report on the Expropriation Bill, meaning this report, and the bill, will now move to the National Assembly of South Africa for deliberations and will likely be scheduled for debate soon.
According to the Junior Mining Association (JMA), if promulgated in its current form the bill could have dire consequences and massive negative impacts on our already fragile economy. In its current form the bill will weaken the rights and the protections afforded to property owners and will have a disastrous impact on the junior mining sector, especially within its ability to attract much needed capital both locally and abroad, says the JMA.
One specific point that clearly illustrates the massive negative risk created and possible destructive impact of this bill is:
- Section 12.3 (c) stating that land can be expropriated if the current owner “failed to exercise control of the property”. With small scale and junior miners fighting a massive battle against illegal miners and “mine hi-jacking”, one can be excused to see this as an attempt to reward criminal behaviour, says the Junior Mining Association.
The association notes that this bill should be regarded as an assault on constitutional democracy and if promulgated, in current form, will create massive uncertainty for every property owner in the country.
“We call on parliament, all opposition political parties and every citizen to rally around our constitutional democracy and to reject this bill. We further call on our political leaders to work towards developing a proper legal framework that can provide equitable solutions and bolster our economic growth,” says the JMA.
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Read “Call to parliament to reject the Expropriation Bill and Land Court Bill” published by the JMA on 22 September 2022 by clicking here.